
Class Fees

There is no advance fee for the class. After the class you can pay a class fee using the payment form. The suggested class fee is £7 for one class in a week, £12 for two classes or £15 for three classes. You can pay at the end of each week.

If you are currently in financial hardship we still want you to join in and keep fit. Please don’t worry about making a payment if you can’t afford it, or just pay what you can afford.

To make a payment, select your preferred amount below. You’ll then be taken to a payment page to make a card payment.

[wp_stripe_checkout_session name=”£7.00″ price=”7″ description=”£7 for one class” button_text=”Pay £7 for 1 class” cancel_url=”” class=”payment”]

[wp_stripe_checkout_session name=”£12.00″ price=”12″ description=”£12 for two classes” button_text=”Pay £12 for 2 classes” cancel_url=”” class=”payment”]

[wp_stripe_checkout_session name=”£15.00″ price=”15″ description=”£15 for three classes” button_text=”Pay £15 for 3 classes” cancel_url=”” class=”payment”]

[wp_stripe_checkout_session name=”Your Price” price=”” description=”Enter your price” button_text=”Pay your amount” cancel_url=”” class=”payment variable”]